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Bringing joy back into the process of putting your dreams on paper

...while getting them funded

Need money to support your agricultural nonprofit or for-profit?

Overwhelmed? Not sure where to begin?

What Clients Say

"The whole process of putting together the grant was really well-organized & clear."

– Erin Stacy, Ecology Teacher + Farm to School Grant Participant

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our mission

We are accelerating regenerative agriculture through grant writing & funding


refonte (ʁə.fɔ̃t) - to repair or improve something to function the way it was meant to be. 

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meet our founder

Elaina has always been drawn to understanding and deepening our connection to the land and each other, which led her to pursue a learn-by-doing B.S. in Animal Science and M.S. in Ruminant Nutrition. Both degrees ultimately revealed to her the depth of interdependence between land and animals – including humans.


Following her studies, she sought to continue her boots-on-the-ground education by working with reindeer in remote parts of Alaska, herding and milking Sarda sheep in Italy, and frequenting horse-back excursions with local ranchers outside of Yosemite National Park to check on cattle in some of the most rugged terrain.


Her own first-hand knowledge of the impacts of being connected with the land as well as witnessing her only brother’s internal transformation through wilderness recovery programs following his battle with heroine has solidified Elaina’s commitment to getting kids outside and addressing the root cause of breakdowns in society through agriculture and land-connection.


Refonte Ventures stems from these passion areas and an urgency to accelerate the rate of adoption of regenerative agriculture through the writing of revolutionary ideas and rethinking the priorities of some of the largest industries.

meet our founder


through a holistic lens

If you desire to bring about a holistic, fulfilled quality of life for yourself and our next generation, whether that be through nutrition and/or agriculture education, outdoor experiences, applied research, or even developing more relationships within your community - we are here to support you as you prepare yourself for, navigate, and manage the grant funding opportunities available for you.


- non-profits

- Regenerative Brands

- farmer/rancher cooperatives

- individual farmers/ranchers

Refontê Ventures serves

What I stand for is what I stand on.


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who we support

Non-profits & start-ups. Regenerative brands. Farmer and ranch support networks.

Refontê Ventures is proud to support a diverse group of people including, but not limited to, organizations serving aspiring young farmers and ranchers who may be overwhelmed with the task of starting one or many enterprises, young professionals seeking a way to positively make a difference for people's quality of life while addressing climate change, current land managers who are already stewarding their land or those who are seeking to transition to regenerative practices, and many more!


This is a journey of hope that we are all on together, and at Refontê Ventures we are privileged to be connected with an abundance of knowledge from around the globe and a proven framework and set of tools to guide you on this journey with us.


When we see land as a community to which we belong we may begin to use it with love & respect.



projects & partners

Refonte Ventures is a proud member of the Savory Network, providing education and services in collaboration with Savory Accredited Professionals all over the globe! We provide services such as funding development, grant-writing and consulting through a holistic lens and have had the honor and priviledge of working with:

The Richards Regenerative, Kalona Supernatural, Golden Coast Mead, Happy Goat, and more.

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It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants.

The question is: What are we busy about?



Get In Touch

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